Our Services
Business Advisement and Coaching

The Role of a One On One Coach and Adviser
As your mentor I will listen, ask questions, discuss your ambitions and goals, and provide the guidance you need to improve in all areas of life and professional development. I will ensure accountability, provide helpful feedback and reflection and operate as a professional sounding board, professional friend and source of knowledge and advice.
My profile provides an overview of my broad career and life experience that enable her to provide pragmatic, useful and positive coaching services. If there is something I can’t handle alone, I have a wonderfully experienced network who we as a team can reach out to.
Our relationship will exist on mutual respect, collaboration and honesty. We will operate under Chattam House Rule and offer each other the strictest confidence.
You are the best person to make your dreams come true, but you cannot do it alone. I as your coach and business advisor will facilitate powerful thinking and ultimately help you to achieve your goals.
Understanding Who You Are
Incredible U is all about you. As your coach and advisor, I will strive to understand who you are, not just what you do. With only a positive focus, I will challenge and explore your choices and the opportunities that you want to pursue or create. We’ll tap into your key strengths to develop strategic alliances and strong relationships, while developing any important weaknesses simultaneously.
Our initial meeting and your CV/profile will give me some appreciation of your professional life and will be useful in shaping and positioning your advancement within your organisation or strategising alternate roles and life choices.
As we all know however, there is so much more to us than is ever detailed on our CV and it is our internal values, previous experiences and our learned behaviours that really complete the picture. I will create an environment of trust where you are willing to share all of these aspects of your life, as well as the drivers and stressors which are impacting your success, to help you gain the best understanding of yourself.

What You Want To Achieve
You are the driver! I will respond to the needs you have now and, as they are likely to change, the needs you have in the future. One of the biggest values in having a mentor is the accountability that it encourages, which ultimately drives you towards success. Goals is an integral part of this process, so I will help you set SMART goals so that you can monitor them regularly and tweak them if necessary.
You will have both similar and different needs from all of my clients, and we will work through them together.
If you are unsure about what to discuss during a coaching/advisement session with me, some of the topics I have covered previously have included:
Setting clear goals for success
Managing professional life and family life
Identifying areas for career development
Plans – 90 day, 12 month, 3-5 years
Managing expectations – self and others
Progression into a leadership position
Many issues we face as professional women or business owners have flow on effects to other areas of both our professional and personal life so new topics will be explored as they arise.
The Investment
You set the agenda, the regularity of our meetings and the duration of them! As a guide, I recommend monthly sessions of 1.5 hrs duration for 3 to 6 months to start with. From there the regularity can continue monthly, decrease in frequency, or continue an as needed basis.
Many clients elect to start fortnightly for the first couple of sessions to gain some immediate clarity, relief and perspective and then switch to a monthly meeting. The frequency is based on what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. I will be creative and flexible to assist you in meeting your goals and am happy to craft something that works for both of us.
You are welcome to call, email, or message me at any time. I regularly provide support over both. It is important to me that Incredible U offers services that are accessible.
My fee schedule varies depending on the assignment and ranges from $250/ hr (ex GST) - $400/ hr (ex GST). Invoices will be raised monthly in advance to you or your organisation. Some organisations prefer to lock in the initial agreed sessions and pay for them in a block and this can be arranged too.